Wondering why your ears get clogged up on an airplane while the person sitting right next to you never has this problem? If so, you are not alone!

The shape and size of Eustachian tubes can vary significantly between individuals. These differences might affect how efficiently these tubes open and close to regulate air pressure.

During an airplane's descent, the air pressure increases, and the Eustachian tubes help to equalize the pressure in the ears. If your Eustachian tubes are narrower or more angled in shape than those of the person sitting next to you, it may be more difficult for your Eustachian tubes to open and close properly, leading to clogged ears.


Factors that can contribute to this issue, may include:

- Cold or allergies, which can cause congestion and swelling in the Eustachian tubes
- Anatomy and shape of the nasal passages and sinuses
- Individual tolerance to air pressure changes


The clogged ears you experience during flights, especially during landing, are due to the changes in air pressure. Here's what happens:

  1. Air pressure changes: During flight, the air pressure around you changes significantly. As the plane ascends, the air pressure decreases, and as it descends, the air pressure increases.

  2. Eustachian tube function: The Eustachian tube connects the middle ear to the back of the throat. Its primary function is to regulate air pressure in the ear and drain mucus from the middle ear.

  3. Pressure imbalance: During landing, the air pressure increase can cause the Eustachian tube to become blocked, leading to a pressure imbalance between the middle ear and the surrounding environment. This pressure difference can cause discomfort, hearing loss, and even ear pain.

Of the products on the market claiming to work for this specific problem, how many are truly reliable and help at all? There is one that has been designed specifically to open ear and sinus canals, simultaneously, helping to quickly alleviate this issue: Pressureze® Nasal Mist.

Pressureze®, is an all natural product, which helps to quickly reduce and relieve nasal congestion and sinus pressure, as well as helping to open Eustachian tubes. While it works well for colds and allergies, it can also be used to help alleviate ear pressure during flights.

Here's how it works:

  1. Decongesting properties: Pressureze® contains natural ingredients that help to reduce swelling in the nasal passages and sinuses, which may become blocked due to congestion during the atmospheric pressure changes, during flight.

  2. Eustachian tube opening: By reducing nasal congestion, Pressureze can help to open the Eustachian tube, allowing air to enter the middle ear and equalize the pressure.

  3. Relief from ear pressure: By alleviating nasal congestion and promoting Eustachian tube function, Pressureze can help to relieve ear pressure and discomfort during flights.

This article is not meant to be medical advice. If you continue to experience persistent or severe ear discomfort during flights, it may be a good idea to consult with your healthcare professional or an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist for personalized advice.