Meet the Inventor
“I was constantly suffering from sinusitis and blocked ears.
My sinuses were a mess!”
Matthew Lutin / Inventor and Founder
Pressureze® was created out of Self-Need
It all started years ago, at the beginning of my career as a flight attendant. I was constantly suffering from sinusitis and blocked ears. My sinuses were a mess! Because I was flying for a living, this presented a very serious issue, as it increased the risk of my ears blocking-up, during landing, possibly puncturing one or both eardrums. The way I saw it, my choices were very limited. I must either resign from flying or quickly, find a way to keep my ears and sinuses, healthy. I opted for the latter!
After a great amount of research, and consulting with top scientists and physicians, in this field, along with conducting many experiments on my own sinuses, I was able to find the solution to my ear and sinus problems…and save my job!
Shortly, after solving my own personal ear and sinus problem, I discovered how big an issue this actually is for so many others. So, I started giving it away on the airplane, to anyone in need, and to my astonishment the response was over-whelming. Many passengers, flight attendants, and pilots were using it with such great success, they were asking me for more. Some were asking me to put it on the market, so they would be able to continue using it.
Throughout the years, many people continued asking me about my nasal spray, and then one day, a spark was ignited. It was at that moment, the inventor and caring entrepreneur, emerged from within me…and Pressureze® was born!
Now, what inspires me most are the many emails and testimonials I receive from people throughout the world, that Pressureze® has helped. I am both thankful and proud to have been able to help. (Pressureze® users include; Navy Dive Training Centers, Hyperbaric Medical Centers, Fire Fighters, Professional and College Athletes, and former Olympians. Pressureze® is recommended by Physicians and Healthcare Professionals.)
*Blocked ears (Eustachian Tube Dysfunction) can not only cause discomfort, but can also lead to the increased risk of puncturing one, or both eardrums, resulting in partial or permanent loss of hearing, and possibly an even worse situation.
*BE PROACTIVE! Use Pressureze® BEFORE Take-Off and Landing, and BEFORE Diving and Swimming. To help promote best sinus health, use Pressureze® in the morning and, again, before bedtime.
“Early on, I had a number of people telling me to put preservatives in it, that nobody cared….BUT I cared!”