Frequently Asked Questions.

WHAT IS DryEyez™ Eye Mist?

DryEyez™ Eye Mist is the #1 “Natural Alternative” for Dry Eye Symptoms. Safe and effective for symptoms relating to dry, itchy, irritated eyes. DryEyez™ was specially formulated for eyes sensitive to drugs, preservatives, chemicals, alcohols, which are used in many other eye care products, often causing adverse reactions.

What's so different about DryEyez™?

DryEyez™ is made by proprietary equipment, process, and formulation, all created to utilize nature’s own science. The gentle eye mist helps to quickly cleanse, moisten, and soothe, dry and irritated eyes. DryEyez™ is made in an FDA-approved facility and is also sterilized for added safety.

What's so special about the DryEyez™ bottle?

The DryEyez™ bottle and pump are Snap-Sealed™ together, creating a sealed system. The sprayer nozzle delivers a gentle mist, at controllable metered doses, ensuring for the most pleasurable results, each time! The highly-advanced ‘One-Way-Flow’ sprayer is designed to prevent back-flow of contaminated fluids and germs, making DryEyez™ a ‘Contamination-Free’ product. DryEyez™ is packaged in a compact sized bottle, making it easy to use and convenient for travel. ...All very important features rolled into one very special product!

All Natural, Preservative-free, Alcohol-Free, Sterile...

DryEyez™ is a "Natural" product and does NOT contain any drugs, chemicals, additives, steroids, preservatives, or alcohols. It is NON-GMO, BPA-Free, Vegan, and manufactured in a Gluten-Free facility. ...and DryEyez™ is sterilized for added safety!

How often can I use dryeyez™?

DryEyez™ is All-Natural and safe to use daily, as often as needed. DryEyez™ is also, safe for pregnant and nursing Moms! Because the sinus can be a breading-ground for bacteria, germs, and viruses, we recommend always using Pressureze®, first thing in the morning and, again, before bedtime. (Just as routine, as brushing your teeth!)

When Might dryeyez™ ever be slightly uncomfortable?

Depending on how irritated the eye is and possible situations specific to you, the spray may sting slightly, but that should pass quickly and the feeling of comfort should be experienced. As always, if a problem persists, see you doctor.

Does dryeyez™ work for Everyone?

This may greatly depend on the specific issue and severity your. For best results, we believe in the importance of being proactive in keeping your eyes clean and healthy. Due to numerous possibilities of airborne particles, we recommend using dryeyez™, first thing in the morning and again before bedtime. (Just as routine, as brushing your teeth!)

How long does a bottle of dryeyez™ last?

The DryEyez™ bottle holds approx 320 full metered spray mists. Depending on how much fluid is dispensed and how many sprays are dispensed each time, will determine how long it will last.

For LOW-FLOW - Slowly press the pump down approximately halfway. For HIGH-FLOW - Press the pump faster and all the way down.

FOR BEST RESULTS; Use daily or as often as needed.

Where can I find dryeyez Eye Mist?

Currently, DryEyez™ is exclusively offered through Amazon, nationally.


  1. Shake well.
  2. Remove Safety Seal and pump 1x to prime pump.
  3. While looking straight ahead, hold the DryEyez™ bottle off to the side of face and eye area (approximately 5 to 6 inches away from eye area).
  4. Then, slowly pump the gentle spray mist in the direction of the eye area, saturating eye area. (Irritated eyes can sometimes experience slight discomfort, at first. This feeling should pass, quickly, and relief should be experienced. Starts working fast! (FOR OPTIMUM RESULTS, PLEASE FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS.)

*The extra time and care to make DryEyez™ may cost us a little more, but we think you’re worth it!