Natural Ways to Clear Congestion

Natural Ways to Clear Congestion

By Lisa Monroe

One of the worst parts of coming down with a cold, the flu, a sinus infection or allergic rhinitis, is dealing with congestion. We can feel miserable when our nose is stuffed-up or runny, and our sinuses are throbbing.

When we are congested, not only is it difficult to breathe, but it can be hard to get a good night’s sleep or even enjoy a meal. And if sinus pain is present, it  can be particularly difficult to deal with the demands of daily life.

But there is good news! There are many natural remedies available that may bring great relief for congestion and sinus pressure. Before running to the store to pick up a decongestant or other medication, you may want to consider trying some of the alternative methods below!


Natural Remedies for Congestion

Steam. You may have noticed how the steam from a hot shower loosens the mucus in your nose. Another approach is standing over a large bowl of warm water with a towel draped over your head and breathing in the steam. Drinking hot beverages is known to also work when it comes to easing congestion. It is very important to use steam therapy cautiously, in order to avoid burns.

Humidifier. Cold, dry air can cause discomfort and prevent your sinuses from efficiently draining. A humidifier will pump moisture into the air which will then moisten your nasal passages to make breathing easier. A humidifier can be used day or night and may improve the quality of your sleep.

Neti-Pot. A neti-pot is a nasal irrigation device and when used properly, may be effective in clearing congestion. It resembles a small teapot with a long spout and holds saline to clear nasal passages of mucus and germs. Although difficult for many people, the proper way to use this device is by leaning over the sink with your head tilted, pouring the solution into the nostril, allowing it to flow into one nostril and out the other. The FDA does not recommend this method for children, without approval from their pediatrician.

Hydration. Drinking water has many health benefits.  Increasing your fluid intake may loosen the thick mucus that is blocking your nasal passages. Tea and broth are also other good choices.

Saline Nasal Spray. Saline nasal sprays typically may contain different ingredients, including different types of salts. Different formulations can create different responses. These saline sprays are not to be confused with medicated, decongestant sprays. Decongestant sprays are not meant for prolonged use due to the risk of a rebound effect or worsening of symptoms. You may want to consider an all-natural, chemical-free product such as Pressureze Nasal Mist. Pressureze is the first nasal spray to focus on clearing and unblocking, BOTH, sinus and ear canals…at the same time! 

Elevation. At bedtime, use an extra pillow to raise your head slightly higher than the rest of your body. This can prevent mucus from “pooling” in your nose, and may also relieve sinus pressure.

Herbs and Spices. Have you ever noticed how those jalapeño peppers can cause your nose to run and eyes to water? Spicy foods can trigger nasal passages to open up. This condition is called gustatory rhinitis and can be caused by eating peppers, ginger, and garlic. Turmeric is another spice that may help, as it is said to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Essential Oils. Some people find that certain essential oils, such as, peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary and oregano, have relieved their upper respiratory symptoms. The oils can be applied with a carrier oil, such as, coconut oil, or added to a diffuser for aroma therapy. A study showed that although the result was immediate, the overall symptoms did not lessen after 3 days of use.  Caution should be used around children and pets, as these oils are toxic if ingested.

Warm Compresses. You can make a warm compress by soaking a washcloth or small towel in warm water. It is then to be placed over your forehead and upper nose. The warmth of the compress may reduce inflammation in the sinuses and nostrils, allowing you to breathe easier. It is advised not to leave a compress on your skin for too long.


When to Seek Medical Attention

It is important to note that there are some instances that require medical attention. If you have congestion that is not being relieved by natural remedies, such as, trouble breathing, chest pain, or fever, it is important to contact your physician right away.

Summing it Up

Being congested is never fun! It can cause difficulties in breathing, sleeping, speaking clearly, and even enjoying your favorite foods. In many cases simple, natural remedies, as listed above, can be very effective in reducing symptoms and providing relief.

While there are many medications from which to choose, it is important to be aware of the possible side effects, health risks, and drug interactions. Instead, you may opt to choose an all-natural product like Pressureze Nasal Mist to relieve your nasal and sinus congestionNaturally!

So, why suffer with congestion anymore, when there is a safe and natural solution at your fingertips!