Finding Relief from Sinus Pressure

Finding Relief from Sinus Pressure

By Lisa Monroe


If you have ever suffered from sinus pressure you know firsthand that it can be one of the most painful symptoms you experience while fighting off a cold or dealing with seasonal allergies! You are likely all too familiar with that awful sensation of pressure in your head and face that makes you feel miserable and can greatly interfere with your ability to function at work and at home. Let’s take a look at what sinus pressure is and what can be done to relieve it.


What Is Sinus Pressure?

Sinus pressure is the result of blocked nasal passages. When your sinuses are unable to drain you may experience pain and inflammation in your nose, face and head. Stuffy nose, sinus pressure, sinus headaches, runny nose, and post-nasal drip may all be signs of a possible sinus problem.


Where Are Your Sinuses Located?

 Your sinuses are in pairs, and they are located in the four main sections of your face.

 •    In your forehead (frontal)

•    Between your eyes and across your nose (ethmoid)

•    In your cheeks (maxillary)

•    Behind your eyes and along the back of your head (sphenoid)


Natural Remedies to Reduce Sinus Pressure

Before you head to the store for medication you may want to consider some of the following natural solutions.

Steam. Dryness in the air and in your sinuses can increase sinus pressure resulting in throbbing pain and headaches. Steam will add moisture to the air and help to moisten your sinus passages thinning out mucus. Taking hot showers and breathing in the steam can be one way to reduce the pressure, or you can use a humidifier to address the problem on a more long-term basis.  Eucalyptus oil added to bath water has also been known to reduce nasal stuffiness.

Saline Flush. Saline sprays contain salt that can increase moisture in your nose as well as decrease sinus pressure. If you are seeking an all-natural, chemical-free solution to relieve sinus distress you may want to consider Pressureze® Nasal Spray. Pressureze® is the first natural nasal spray to focus on clearing both sinus and ear canals.

Elevation. Lying flat can make you feel worse! This can lead to mucus buildup in your nasal passages and increase sinus pressure, interfering with your ability to sleep, well. Instead, prop your head up with pillows to keep your head above your heart, or if you have an adjustable bed you can raise the upper portion of your mattress. This position can prevent sinus buildup and assist in more comfortable breathing.

Hydration. We know that drinking lots of water can have many health benefits! In terms of your sinuses, dehydration can be a real culprit. Dehydration contributes to your sinus passages drying out, causing increased pressure in your face. Ample water intake is beneficial, as fluids can reduce blockages in your sinuses. Broth, tea and water-based fruits and vegetables are also beneficial for added hydration.

Rest. Sleeping well at night is very important to the body’s healing process. Sleep stimulates the brain to release hormones that promote the growth of new tissue. Also, during rest your body produces more white blood cells which are essential for combatting viruses and bacteria.

Relaxation. Sinus pressure can cause tension and pain in your head, face, and neck. Yoga, meditation, biofeedback and other relaxation techniques can help reduce the pain and pressure.

Exercise. Physical activity can increase blood circulation and bring temporary relief from congestion allowing you to breathe more easily. Although you may not be feeling very energetic when unwell, exercise can help quicken your recovery.

Be Proactive! Pressureze Nasal Spray was designed to quickly get to the source of the trouble areas by taking a proactive stance. Use Pressureze daily to keep your sinuses and ear canals clear.


Summing It Up

Sinus pressure can be very painful and can interfere with your daily life! When you are not feeling well, the first thing that often comes to mind is reaching for some medication to quickly reduce the symptoms so you can feel some relief.

However, medications come with the risk of possible side effects and may not be necessary unless there is a more serious condition. In many cases, simple, natural remedies can be very effective in reducing symptoms and providing relief. Steam, hydration, elevated sleep position and an all-natural  product such as Pressureze® Nasal Mist can relieve your stuffy nose, sinus pressure, sinus headaches, runny nose and post-nasal-drip. You don’t have to let sinus trouble make your life miserable any longer!